Alice’s Tea Cup, Chapter II in NYC

My fascination with Alice’s Tea Cup all started with a book. I know some of you may be thinking about Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland, but it was actually the Alice’s Tea Cup cookbook by Haley and Lauren Fox that initially sparked my interest.  The book is written by sisters with a “tea turned on... MORE >>

The Tea Farm Cafe in Honolulu

Just a few minutes from the University of Hawaii campus is The Tea Farm Cafe. This cozy tea spot is a favorite among locals and students alike, a place where tea is approachable yet given its due respect. Even though The Tea Farm Cafe is a small shop, it boasts a large and eclectic menu.... MORE >>

Ladurée Soho in NYC

At Ladurée SoHo, sugary dreams come to life. Opened just last year, this elegant tea salon is where you can catch a civilized tea break on the most hectic of New York days. There are many places to enjoy a cup of tea in the city, but if you want to savor an artful bite of Parisian tradition right here in... MORE >>

Moana Surfrider in Waikiki

Just a few steps from Waikiki Beach is one of Honolulu’s most timeless resorts, Moana Surfrider. Built in 1901, this classically Victorian hotel is the oldest in Honolulu, officially registered as one of the Historic Hotels of America. This getaway spot is affectionately known as The First Lady of Waikiki, a place where old and new... MORE >>

Asian Teacup Coasters

Coasters are that item that you don’t think you need until you actually need them. This simple craft project produces a petit version of regular sized coasters to suit Japanese, Chinese, and Korean style teacups with a narrower base. Natural-looking yet finished, these artistic little rounds are designed to complement the beauty of any Asian-inspired tea experience. There’s something that... MORE >>